Door Tele Entry

The biggest gift would be from me and the card attached would say thank you tale of a fateful trip that started.


System is designed to manage access to secure areas, ensuring that only authorized personnel can enter.

Types of Door Teller Entry Systems

Keycard Access Systems

Uses keycards or fobs with embedded RFID or magnetic strips.

Biometric Access Systems

Uses unique biological characteristics for identification (e.g., fingerprints, retina scans).

PIN Code Access Systems

Requires users to enter a unique code to gain access.

Multi-Factor Authentication Systems

Combines two or more authentication methods (e.g., keycard + PIN, biometrics + keycard).


Real-Time Monitoring

Monitors and records all entry attempts, sending alerts for any suspicious activities.

Integration with Security Systems

Seamlessly integrates with CCTV, alarm systems, and building management systems.

Access Schedules

Configures access permissions based on specific times or days of the week.

Remote Access Management

Enables administrators to oversee and control access from remote locations.

Audit Trails

Generates detailed logs for security audits and compliance checks.

Tamper Detection

Notifies security personnel of any attempts to tamper with the system.

Emergency Access

Provides solutions for emergency personnel to access secured areas during crises.

User Management

Centralizes the management of user credentials and access rights.